Keep your financial situation under control.

Simplify your financial affairs with artificial intelligence and automation and guide your office's institutionalization adventure.

Try for Free
Be Ready for Inspections at Any Time
Record and document your financial transactions and easily detail them in financial audits.
With the Help of Artificial Intelligence
Track Expenses Easily
Easily enter document details into the system with artificial intelligence support when entering expenses, and avoid errors and loss of time.
Increase Productivity
Easily track time, increase employee productivity, and optimize your revenues by making accurate invoicing.


Advance Payment
  • Easily track file advances.
  • Record personnel advance requests through approval processes.

Easily enter expense documents into the system with artificial intelligence support, match files with expenses, and report easily.

Fee and Expense Notification

Send automatic fee and expense notifications to clients for services provided.

Current Accounts

Monitor all your current accounts in real time, see your financial situation clearly and make quick decisions.


Record the time spent by attorneys and other employees per project or case, and use this data for billing and performance analysis.